A mind of many colors. No genre quite fits his style.
O’Kelley walks away from the crowd.
Odd may be the best way to describe him, and old. He is a baby boomer but he doesn’t know it. Time has not caught up with him as yet and it shows in his writing, fresh, contemporary, fun and flavored with the wisdom of his age. He grew up in Atlanta, attended the University of West Georgia in Carrollton where he now resides. He has had nine-thousand different jobs including driving a truck in Iraq during the war there. He served as an infantryman in the Vietnam War. It is said that Hemingway once said, “Writers who have experienced war have an advantage.” O’Kelley believes the statement true. At the urging of his publisher, he recently adopted the pen name Roland O’Connor. “Just to tidy things up,” he said.
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Sometimes They Kill 2
A one-night stand . . .
A move across town . . .
And a wayward preacher
sow the seeds for deadly deeds where city meets country in suburban Atlanta. Hank and Patricia meet in a Marietta bar. Hank hopes he has found the right girl, but after a night of passion, she disappears. He moves to Brewton, a town on the edge of Atlanta’s southernmost suburb, and finds Patricia there, but things are different now, very different and it leads to murder. .
“Shakespeare kick him in the rear . . . .”
That is what happens in this novel. . . .
as four Emory University students attempt to prove Edward de Vere, the Earl of Oxford,
is the true author of Shakespeare. This theory has many believers including prominent scholars.
The four students use remote viewing to look back to the time of Queen Elizabeth I and Shakespeare. Looking back is not as outlandish as it sounds. The Army and the CIA used remote viewing to spy on Soviet military bases in the cold war and Soviets remote viewed American Bases as well. It works. I have done it.
Love and war. . .
The troubled times faced by those who came before us. . . .
Love and peace we know . . . but that has not always been so.
The shy Rick is swept off his feet by Maryanne at a sleepy southern college, but from the first war rumbles in the distance. It cannot be escaped. Their lives are hurled into it and forever changed. Join them on their journey together through their times. . . . A time not so long ago. . . .
Hunting History
They told you Oswald killed Kennedy. . . .
Case closed. That’s it . . . and you believed them, just another fact in history. Life goes on. . . .
What does it matter anyway?
Twenty-six year old Tara never gave the Kennedy assassination a minutes thought until the day she received a call asking if she had gotten a package in the mail. She hadn’t. It had been stolen out of her mail box. From that point, everything in her life changes.
Join Tara and Brad as they find romance while fleeing across Texas and the south in search of the pictures that correct the history books. Knowing the truth can get you killed. A rouge CIA agent follows in their quest. He has killed many to protect the lie. . . .
What made them do it?
What made relatively sane, unarmed men drive 18-wheelers while terrorist schemed to stop them with the white hot blasts from a IED?
Big money, some say.
True, but their stories go much further, much deeper.
Go with Scott as he runs from a dull life and lifeless marriage to the adventure of a life time on the IED riddled roads of Iraq. Ride with him and his friends in a true to life adventure. Feel it as they felt it. Know it as they knew it in a story written by a man who was there, a man who did the job. Roland saw it all. He was one of them. . . .
Assault on the dream
Best friends forever? That might not be as easy as you think.
The powerful pit one against the other.
Most have no idea how they use us.
There are consequences to what they do , , , and they cause the death.
Once Jim Crow laws separated black and white in the South but ole Jim is dead now. Today others pull the same strings. Heather and Angeline grow up in sleepy little Bowdon, Georgia, both in homes of modest means. They enter college together in nearby Carrollton and life begins. Things go well until an inapt cop kills an innocent black man and the powerful stir the pot to make a bad thing worse testing the bonds of the girl's friendship. Heather is white and Angeline is black. . . .